Peace, Love, & Solidarity! Welcome, bienvenue!
Welcome to Terry Stavnyck's Art Gallery and Studio!
Welcome to Terry Stavnyck's Art Gallery and Studio!
My art is my life!
Some people scream
some people shout
some people cry,
some people cry out;
I paint. I shoot.
When I paint, I stroke
with my brush and flourish
I create on my canvass
food for my soul to nourish
With my camera I shoot
It's the only shooting I ever do
I hunt and capture life's ration
Life's celebration
Life is God's gift
to be taken as such,
and with love
celebrated and nurtured
so much, so much
Terry John Stavnyck, B.A.
McGill University (Economics and Political Science).
(le texte français suit le texte anglais)
Born in Montreal, where he spent most of his life, Terry resided in the Niagara Peninsula before making Ottawa his home. Terry was raised by Ukrainian immigrants in a very authoritarian and unstable family setting. Although talent and creativity were very obvious at an early age, in his late teen years Terry chose to give up all creative pursuits, which he had so enjoyed. He was tormented by his homosexuality, and this was magnified by his religious education, which caused him to turn inward and withdraw. He would do anything possible to hide his true person.
He remained locked in a shell for decades, refusing to express his true feelings. Terry expresses through photography and graphic art who he is and how he sees the world around him. Terry most often uses acrylics, although recently he has been experimenting with mixed media, watercolours, and oils. His work is a series that celebrates a “Man’s Coming of Age” and, the acceptance of his sexual orientation. It is a personal and publicly shared portrayal of rediscovery and revelation.
Né à Montréal, où il a passé la plus grande partie de sa vie, Terry vivait dans la région du Niagara avant de s'installer définitivement à Ottawa. Il a été élevé par des parents Ukrainiens dans un environnement autoritaire et instable. Bien que son talent et sa créativité étaient évidents dès son enfance, la crise de l'adolescence l'a vu abandonner toute activité créative, qu'il aimait tant. Torturé par son homosexualité, ce qui était amplifié par son éducation religieuse, Terry est devenu extrèmement introverti. Il faisait tout pour se cacher. Il était demeuré enfermé dans sa garde robe pendant des décennies, refusant d'exprimer ses véritables émotions. Maintenant, aujourd'hui, il interprète encore une fois par son art ce qu'il est et comment il voit le monde qui l'entoure. Terry utilise la plupart du temps l'acrylique, bien que depuis récemment il expérimente de plus en plus avec d'autres média, ainsi que les huiles et les aquarelles
Ses travaux font partie d'une série qui célèbre "La maturation de l'homme" et, l'acceptation de son orientation sexuelle. C'est un portrait de redécouverte et de révelation de soi, un portrait personnel qu'il partage avec son public.
Oh yes, politics make me tick, but political science is my thing; observing, analyzing, and drawing conclusions on life, human rights, philosophy, well...taking exception to just about anything that says life sucks, bullies win, injustice abounds, hope is lost...NEVER! HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL!!!
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